Kidney Kids NZ is a parent driven organisation set up to meet the needs of children, and the families of children, who have kidney disorders. They are a non-for-profit organisation that was founded in 1990 to provide emotional support and to help parents of children with kidney disorders.
Vision: For kidney kids and their families to lead the best lives possible
Mission: “To support kidney kids and their families on their journey with kidney disease”
We believe that every child/young person and their family is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and encouraged to reach the highest level of independence compatible with their kidney disease.
The NZTDA are pleased to support Kidney Kids to enable their team to support over 1000 Kiwi children with kidney disease and their families. The NZTDA funded the purchase of a new vehicle for Kidney Kids to assist their Family Support Team regularly visit Kidney Kid families in their homes and at Starship Children’s Hospital. Our Family Community Educator offers information and support, visits GP’s and specialists in the community and will also be embarking on a programme visiting schools helping to raise awareness about the early warning signs of kidney disease.